See the hot blond girl in the middle? Her name is Ali Liebert. Get used to seeing her around. And don't say I didn't call it...
I had a really productive weekend, that included, but wasn't limited to, a) attending the best Laugh Gallery show I've ever attended (I was totally blown away with Trevor Boris, my dear Porno's colleague on VOT...I never gave that show much credit) b) listening to serenades on the fiddle...
c) buying a sweet gold mess choker and most importantly d) attending the wiener dog races. Hello? Wiener dog races?!
Oh, I have a friend whose heart is a bit sore now and I advised her to do the following. Pick your favourite love songs on your iTunes and arrange them from happiest to saddest. Then cut and copy your playlist and send it to me: noneandonly@gmail.com or leave a comment. I'm doing some research.
Also, if you have any good stories about being trashed while travelling Europe, please get in touch.
I am violently sick with envy. re: the weenises that is. Sniff. Tiny rulers. Keep up the good bloggin!
I'm so glad you got pictures of the race! We were sad to have missed esther!
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