So my dear friend
Matthew Finlason came over last night and did what he does best: Rearranged things in a way that looks nice, while making me feel better about myself...eventually. He's fucking ruthless and makes you feel like a piece of shit during the whole process but it's all for the greater good. As a sceptical journalist type, I question everything he does, especially since I know he makes it up as he goes along. He
Twitted about the whole process:
@noneandonly lives like a pig refusing ever to evolve her stale attitudes that manifest themselves in stagnant decor and ignorant energy
@noneandonly to her credit she does allow me to manipulate object to increase the perception of space but not without a fight. She's single
@noneandonly is learning that a woman's clean space and cookies will keep a man because a tight little body only gets him home from the bar
You get the picture.
Anyhow, my place is coming together slowly. I hate living in disarray. Here's some of my favourite parts of my new apartment:

He decided to put my most adorable Red Bean photo above my bed. Something about inspiring harmony and companionship. Or something. I love that print. It was taken by the very talented and posi-core
Toby Bannister during an adventure in Japan.

I really like what he did here. He took my ex-boyfriend's skateboard and made it into a shelf. You can't see but one of those books is the Kama Sutra. I used to have it on my coffee table, which weirded people out. Boys picked it up more often then girls did. It really wasn't for shock value...I just really like the binding. When it becomes winter and I need to use this heater, I'll have to put up an actual shelf.

This used to be the central piece in my old place. I love it but now I find it a bit sad, especially since there's some heavy history behind it.
Sonja Ahlers painted it. I think it works here. I think. Still getting used to it.

Not loving where the Neko Case poster is...it needs to be lowered. I spent a lot of time making a wall of pictures, with all my animal pictures and paintings, above my couch but Matt didn't like it. I guess it's a work in progress.

One of my most prized possession is my pink elephant lamp. Matt moved it into my kitchen, which was a pretty empty, boring space before. I guess I can dig it.
What does this have to do with the People's Program Project? Not much. Well, actually, Matthew is featured in one of my podcast episodes. Can you guess which one?
I guess this is starting to merge into a personal blog, which I was struggling with but now I think I'm okay with.
Well, I'll tease future episodes: a story about trying to explain an embarrassing ailment to a pharmacist in a foreign land, a chat with the very popular man-about-town and host of Talent Time Paul Anthony, maybe something from Bronx Cheer (if I have the courage to re listen to an interview I did with them for Vice that went horribly wrong. One of my personal worst experiences interviewing ever. Nothing to do with them though...they're very lovely and talented boys), a collab with Jeff Hamada from BOOOOOOOM and an interview and new material from songstress extrodinare, Lisa Joyce Parry.