So I hope this embed works. If it does, this is how I feel sometimes:
I'm going through some stuff right now (like the teen boy crying at his computer) but I don't really know how deep I want to delve into it (like his father getting mad at him for doing so.)(I don't know what the keyboard cat represents. Maybe my ongoing quest for a peaceful balance?) I generally don't have much to hide but I'm hoping to channel what I'm going through into something creative that will reach a larger audience. So in the meantime I'll hold off. Basically, I want to invest my crazy emotional life experiences in a more productive and creative way then the fellow in the video posted above.
Anyhow, I wish I could be more consistent with posting P3 but life's gotten in the way. And this month is going to be crazy too. I'm moving out of the place I've been in for the last three and a half years. I've totally outgrown it. My current place is very loud. (As an aside, I sound like I've recorded myself in a can of empty beans on this episode because I did my intro and extro in my bathroom, since my apartment is super loud now that all the windows are open due to the heat. The acoustics in my bathroom aren't the greatest.) This place has been very good to me but I needed something a little more mature and I was lucky enough to find something pretty sweet. But enough about me (at least for now.)
On this episode I talk to two beautiful actress friends of mine. Ali Liebert talks about moving to LA for pilot season and the roommate she was paired up with upon arrival. The second chat is with Rukiya Bernard, who tells me about her experience being a black actress in Vancouver.
Okay back to me. Here's some pictures of my trip to TO last month.
This is Sonja Ahlers in front of an run-down cash outlet with some of the most non-ironic artwork I've seen in a while. Who don't need cash? Raise a hand please.

This is the unflappable and ultra-stylish Jess Way. She's one of those girls that you can't get enough of 'cause her energy is infectious. I could use some of her right about now.
I ran into my dear, old friend Catto while she was putting up art for her first solo show at a fancy hip gallery. I ended up attending and it was a success! The fact that she failed to apply for a liquor license (they take 10 days to process) didn't ruin the evening in the slightest. Her art is that good! (And she found a loophole and served liquor anyhow. )
My dad took me to this marble temple out in the middle of nowhere. It was a wonderful day spent with the man I love, respect and admire the most in the world. (Well, after Ludacris. And Danny Bonaduce, of course. Oh, and the midget actor from Seinfeld.)

I also got to check out the AGO, which is a masterpiece. Gehry did not disappoint. (Unlike the other guy. Ugh.)
Going up.
And down. (Naw, that's just an excuse to post a picture of my favourite shoes. And some borderline camel toe.)
Seriously. The pricey admission is worth it.
What else? Oh, I interviewed two of the funniest comedians around Vancouver for Vice.
Lightning Dust will be playing a show put on by Lifetime on June 16th. They'll be playing with Ladyhawk and a very special guest that I'm sure most people already know about (Hint: They're from Guelph.) Lifetime do great things and are good people. I think I'm helping out at the door for that one.
What do I have in store for upcoming episodes? New music and interviews with Lisa Joyce Parry, Bogus Tokus (former members of STREETS and some other party bands I forget the names of...I guess you'll find out when I interview them) and an interview with a girl who went crazy on her boyfriend and read his diary. Has that happened to you? It's happened to me. Four times. With the same ex. So stay tuned!
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