To listen to episode nine, click here.
Do you like music? Yes? Well that's great news because we've got some music on this episode.
My friends introduced me to Christopher Smith and told me he was a talented musician. I went on their word and decided to feature him on the podcast. I gave his music a listen and was very impressed. It reminds me of a striped down version of the Hidden Cameras. Anyhow, I feel very lucky to be able to be one of the first places to broadcast his stuff. His album will be released on Boompa in the near future.
Also on this episode, I sat down with a good friend of mine (and former co-worker)to talk about her experience covering the war in Afghanistan.
Recently, I attended a big hair party. My friend Scott Smith documented the night. This is the result:
Oh, and a HUGE congrats to Aaron Beckum, who got a sweet internship in LA with the Directors Bureau. Some of my favourite filmmakers are part of that group so, yeah. Mind blowing. Couldn't have gone to a more deserving person. This is only the beginning...